Why Sunberg

Why Sunberg?

Our Aim

To offer the best quality probiotics in a suitable and convenient dosage at an attractive price.

To excel in Research & Development and expand our portfolio in all possible therapeutic segments.

Establish ourselves as a leading probiotic and nutraceutical hub

Our Products

Our core strength is our ability to develop several dosage formulations under one roof with prime focus on product quality.

Our therapeutic range covers several conditions for all age groups. It is safe for consumption in all age groups including pregnant and lactating mothers.

We offer patented and proprietary strains from leaders in the field of strain manufacturing.

The benefits of these strains are well documented and have been used all over the world for over a decade.

The strains are allergen free, Non GMO, Kosher and Halal certified.

Our Strains

Our strains are sourced from Europe, Canada, US and Japan which are patented and proprietary strains from leaders in the field of probiotic manufacturing.

The benefits of these strains are well documented and have been used all over the world for more than a decade.

The strains are allergen free, Non GMO, Kosher and Halal certified.

Our Facility

Sunberg is a state of the art facility with world class equipment’s and GMP certification.

We have the capability to maintain Low relative humidity and Low temperature which is crucial for the potency of probiotic.

Each manufacturing areas have their own dedicated AHU and dehumidifier to achieve the required conditions.

Our Team

  • Our team consist of experts with vast experience in the field of probiotic manufacturing.
  • We are up to date with the evolving and recent trends in probiotics.
  • We identify and probe into every possible therapeutic application.

Group Companies

Our group companies created a platform for Sunberg to develop from its inception.

Madras Pharmaceutical our pioneer was started in 1979 manufacturing several dosage forms.

Softgel located in Chennai has EU-GMP approval and dedicated to manufacturing of soft gelatin capsules.

Steril Gene Lifesciences is our largest facility located in Puducherry. It has EU-GMP and US-FDA approval. It consists of 4 major state of the art manufacturing facilities – HORMONE, POTENT (Tablets and Capsules), INJECTION (General and Lyophilised) AND ORAL SOLID DOSAGE (General category).

Marketing activities and product promotion are carried out by our group companies which allow us to Focus on product development and analysis.

Tristar formulations and Accent Pharma (Pondicherry)

Accent pharma and Anphar organics (Jammu)